Kristin Berry
Kristin Berry is the mom of 8 awesome children, mother in law to two fantastic sons, grandmother to four of the cutest little angels on the planet and wife to Mike. Together they write at and co-host the Honestly Adoption Parenting Podcast. Kristin is the Author of Born Broken and Keep the Doors Open and co-author of Honestly Adoption.
Melissa Corkum
As a coach, writer, and speaker, Melissa Corkum helps parents understand what is going on behind the behaviors and provides practical solutions so they can laugh more and yell less with their kids. She's a mom to six kids by birth and adoption which has led her to learn a lot about what creates thriving parent-child relationships...and what doesn't. She also hosts the online TV show, Back Talk, and co-hosts the podcast, The Adoption Connection.
Amy Dimarcangelo
Amy is a wife of 11 years and mom to 3 kids: two biological sons and a daughter adopted from India. Amy is as as passionate about sound doctrine as she is about social justice and loves to envision ordinary Christians to join God's mercy-filled mission through her blog, Equipped for Mercy. She is a regular contributor to The Gospel Coalition, and her articles have been published at Her View From Home, Desiring God, Risen Motherhood, and more. She enjoys experimenting in the kitchen and is a devoted observer of Taco Tuesday... the more queso, the better.
Jamie Finn
Jamie is the biological, adoptive, and foster mother of 4-6 children. When she's not homeschooling, changing diapers, playing Pokemon, making slime, and singing Let it Go, she spends her time blogging at Foster the Family, serving as the Director of Foster the Family, Inc., and speaking to foster and adoptive parents. Jamie is passionate about encouraging and equipping foster and adoptive parents, inspiring people to get involved in foster care and adoption, and advocating for foster children.
Laurie Reyes
Laurie Reyes is a pastor’s wife and mom to four young adults. She's passionate about connecting the gospel to all of life, both the mundane and monumental moments. When she isn't working as an administrative assistant at church, you can find Laurie reading, crocheting, or watching the latest British crime series. Her son is the cutie pie playing the drums this weekend.
Lisa Robertson
Lisa is a coffee-loving momma to three sweet kiddos and wife to a hard-working, concrete-pouring husband. She juggles many work-from-home roles as the office manager for her husband’s business, a sporadic blogger at Mess Into a Message, and chauffeur and referee for her biological, adoptive and foster trio! A bit of a techy nerd at heart, Lisa has taken on graphic design work with Foster the Family and also serves as a blog contributor for Care2Foster. An occasional escape from home will find Lisa on a ranger ride in the nearby fields or on a snowmobile in snowy northern MI. An enneagram 8, Lisa channels all her inner-challenger personality into her foster mom role by defending the weak and the fatherless and loving beyond what makes sense.