For the Single Foster & ADOPTIVE Parent

A liturgy for hoping in the midst of parenting alone.

By Kim McCullough

Father, I come to you poured out, in my singleness, in motherhood. I offer my weariness to you and trust that you will sustain me. You have called me to this work, but still, I fear that this path I’ve chosen might cost too much. Lord help me to take captive the thoughts that have morphed into doubt or shame, bitterness or regret and let what’s true ring loudest.

That to whom much is given, much is required. That this hard thing is also good. That nothing worth doing is ever easy. That you promise peace and that You, alone, are my hope.

When my days are a flurry of cooking and laundry, appointments and visits, with these children, you’ve entrusted to me. On the days I feel alone, weak, and empty, questioning if you are still in this with me, remind me of your nearness. That you are with me in every pile of laundry, bedtime story, and forgotten lunch box. That you are pleased with my obedience and that while I carry so much on my own, You promise to carry me, You, Father, my ever-present refuge.

Help me to find shelter in your wings and to trust in how much you delight in me. Lead me to find true rest in the certainty that I am never alone.

When I can’t keep up with each role my children need me to fill, when my head is spinning, and my soul feels overwhelmed. Or on the days when I try to prove my ability and my independence and in my effort to prepare for every contingency, it still, somehow, all goes wrong. On these days, when my lack of control is on display and I’m tempted to despair, remind me of your sovereign will and your tenderness. That you give grace for each moment. That You, Lord are my helper and my strength.

Equip the people that surround me to be eager and willing to become my village. Give me patience when they don’t understand, the courage to ask for help, and the humble audacity to receive it.

When relationships shift and I’m misunderstood. When others say out loud the worries that plague my innermost fears. When they whisper or walk away. When I’m reminded of all that’s changed, been lost, or may never have the chance to become, grappling with the “what ifs” that keep me up, the stigma of singleness, and my own self-consciousness. Remind me of what Jesus experienced when he walked this earth. That I’m in good company. He understands the hurt of betrayal and the cost of faithfulness. That You, Jesus, are a friend to the lonely.

Surround me with a community that understands this journey and can walk this road with me. Grant me the courage to be vulnerable, and the commitment to both know and be known.

When Satan tempts me to question if what I have to offer these children is enough. If motherhood and singleness are too incomplete to meet every need and wipe each tear. Remind me that You are not limited by what I lack or constrained by my insufficiencies. That I can trust you with even the simplest act done in weakness. Because, You Father, are a great multiplier.

Help me turn my gaze from what’s missing and look to You, to boldly approach your throne with confidence, knowing you will give in abundance. A Father, who is more than enough.